Interface ChainWalkerConfig

The walker configuration object


  • ChainWalkerConfig


blockOffset?: number

Sets the offset of a block to be behind the most current block. A blockchain can have forks, usually some micro-forks, which can cause that transactions within a fork are "off-sync" with the main branch and some automatic pop-offs revert the transactions. Set this value when you almost want to be sure that a transaction is actually settled. If e.g. the value is set to 2, the block will be 2 blocks behind the current block. Example: The chain is on block 1_000_000 and the offset is set to 2, then the walker/listener triggers for block 999_998. The offset is 1, so the walker/listener triggers for block 999_999.

The higher the value the more likely that a transaction is actually settled. Usually, an offset of 2 gives very good guarantees


cachePath?: string

The file where the listeners status in JSON format can be stored.


./chainwalker.cache.json (current working directory)

intervalSeconds?: number

Interval in seconds to poll the node


Only relevant for listen


maxRetries?: number

Maximum Retries for processing errors, before surrender. Only relevant for walk


mockLedger?: MockLedger

If using a mock ledger, the nodeHost parameter is ignored. The Mock Ledger is for testing purposes.

nodeHost: string

The Signum Node Url Best to use a local node, i.e. Test Net: http://localhost:6876 Main Net: http://localhost:8125

verbose?: boolean

Flag to enable/disable verbose console output.



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