Interface Account

The Signum account interface * *

interface Account {
    account: string;
    accountRS: string;
    accountRSExtended: string;
    assetBalances: AssetBalance[];
    balanceNQT: string;
    commitmentNQT: string;
    committedBalanceNQT: string;
    description: string;
    forgedBalanceNQT: string;
    guaranteedBalanceNQT: string;
    isAT: boolean;
    isSecured: boolean;
    name: string;
    publicKey: string;
    unconfirmedAssetBalances: UnconfirmedAssetBalance[];
    unconfirmedBalanceNQT: string;


account: string
accountRS: string
accountRSExtended: string

The extended address carries the public key base36 encoded

assetBalances: AssetBalance[]

The total token balances (in quantity) which this account owns, including reserved ones

balanceNQT: string

The overall balance, including commitment and reserved orders in Planck.

commitmentNQT: string

The accounts commitment estimate per TiB.

committedBalanceNQT: string

The total committed balance in Planck.

description: string
forgedBalanceNQT: string

The balance forged by you (Solo-Mining only in Planck

guaranteedBalanceNQT: string

The overall balance, including commitment and reserved orders in Planck.

isAT: boolean

Determines whether the account is a smart contract (aka AT) or not

isSecured: boolean

Determines whether the account is secured, i.e. has public key assigned, or not

name: string
publicKey: string

The public key. If an account does not have a public key it is considered inactive and though less secure. Public Key is being assigned by outgoing transactions or if receiving an transaction with assigned (and mathgcing) public key

unconfirmedAssetBalances: UnconfirmedAssetBalance[]
unconfirmedBalanceNQT: string

The currently available balance in Planck, without commitment and open orders