Interface GetAssetsByIssuerArgs

The argument object for AssetApi.getAssetsByIssuer

interface GetAssetsByIssuerArgs {
    accountId: string;
    firstIndex?: number;
    heightEnd?: number;
    heightStart?: number;
    lastIndex?: number;
    skipZeroVolume?: boolean;


  • GetAllAssetsArgs
    • GetAssetsByIssuerArgs


accountId: string
firstIndex?: number

The first index to be returned. Use this for pagination. Starts at 0

heightEnd?: number

Define the end height for trading information over a given period - if not given the current block is taken as end height

heightStart?: number

Define the start height for trading information over a given period - if not given the last 360 blocks (around 24hrs) are taken as trading period

lastIndex?: number

The last index to be returned. Use this for pagination. If not set, at maximum 500 items beginning at firstIndex will be returned

skipZeroVolume?: boolean

If set true all zero volumes are excluded