Broadcasts a transaction to the network/blockchain
The signed transaction payload encoded in base64
The Transaction Id or Unsigned Bytes as Hex String if no private key was sent
Cancels a subscription
The argument object
The Transaction Id or Unsigned Bytes as Hex String if no private key was sent
Create a subscription
The argument object
The Transaction Id or Unsigned Bytes as Hex String if no private key was sent
Gets the amount a token holder received from a previous distribution to asset/token holders
Distribution to token holders is very efficient at very high transaction rate, so one need explicitely query the node for the underlying amounts of a run distribution.
The transaction Id of the distribution
The relevant account
the received income from an asset distribution payment
Gets a subscription
The id of the subscription
The Subscription Object (as promise)
Gets the payments from a specific subscription aka Auto-Payment
argument object
a list of transactions which belong to the given subscription
Get a transaction and its details from the network/blockchain
The transaction Id
The Transaction
Get a transaction using the hash reference instead of the id
The transactions full hash
The Transaction
Get the all current unconfirmed transactions
The UnconfirmedTransactionList of unconfirmed transactions
Parses a transaction byte sequence to its JSON representation
The transaction byte sequence in hexadecimal format
The parsed Transaction object
Sends a multi-out request to the blockchain with arbitrary value for each recipient
The argument object
The Transaction Id or Unsigned Bytes as Hex String if no private key was sent
Sends an amount to another account/recipient
The argument object
The Transaction Id or Unsigned Bytes as Hex String if no private key was sent
Sends a multi-out request to the blockchain with same value for all recipients
The argument object
The Transaction Id or Unsigned Bytes as Hex String if no private key was sent
Signs and broadcasts a transaction
Usually, you don't need this, as all sending methods in SignumJS sign and broadcast. As not all BRS API functions are implemented yet in SignumJS this method is handy for those, i.e. all direct calls to ChainService.send
The unsigned Transaction Object (returned by ChainService.send)
The TransactionId
Transaction API
This module provides methods related to blockchain transactions
Example: Usage