Human friendly descriptor structure

See SRC44Descriptor, DescriptorData and DescriptorDataBuilder to create, update this structure

interface Descriptor {
    account?: string;
    alias?: string;
    avatar?: IpfsMediaType;
    background?: IpfsMediaType;
    description?: string;
    extension?: string;
    homePage?: string;
    id?: string;
    name?: string;
    resolvedAlias?: Descriptor;
    sendRule?: RegExp;
    socialMediaLinks?: string[];
    type?: SRC44DescriptorType;
    version: number;
    [other: string]: unknown;


  • [other: string]: unknown

    Custom inline extensions...


account?: string

A reference to a Signum Account

alias?: string

A reference to a Signum Alias

avatar?: IpfsMediaType

IPFS Media Link for the Avatar

background?: IpfsMediaType

IPFS Media Link for the background image

description?: string

Description, maximal 384 characters

extension?: string

An IPFS CID reference to more (off-chain) data

homePage?: string

Homepage - maximal 128 characters

id?: string

An arbitrary identifier, i.e. external reference - max 48 characters

name?: string

Name, maximal 24 characters

resolvedAlias?: Descriptor

The resolved Descriptor data from a referenced alias

sendRule?: RegExp

Send Rule - must be a valid regex expression (mind the correct escape sequences)

socialMediaLinks?: string[]

A list of social media links, maximal 3 URLs, with at maximum 92 characters length

Descriptor type

version: number

Version Number - Should be 1 for now