Calculates the minimum creation fee of the contract
The arguments
The minimum fee
Converts a short string into ContractData to be used as argument for smart contract calls, i.e. generateMethodCall
A short alphanumerical string of at maximum 8 characters (bytes) length.
A compatible numerical representation which can be used as string in a smart contract.
Counts the code pages for given machine code
The contracts code in hex form
The number of code pages for the passed code
Counts the data pages for given initialization data stack
The contracts initial data stack in hex form
The number of data pages for the passed data
Generates a data stack message of a contracts, which can be used as initialization. The message can be used on a contract's creation with ContractApi.publishContract or ContractApi.publishContractByReference
A list of variables forming the data stack
The data stack
Generates a method call message of a contracts public method. The message can be sent using for example
MessageApi.sendMessage with messageIsText = false
or ContractApi.callContractMethod]
The argument object
A hex string that can be used as contracts transaction message
Extracts a variables value as hexadecimal string from a contract's machine data
This is a generic function to extract arbitrary data from a contract. It's recommended to use the ContractDataView class instead
The contract
The variables position
The length of data to be extracted
The value as hexadecimal string (already considering endianness)
Generic Datatype for contracts
The data type can only be a numeric as contracts accept only longs. Text is not supported</>
The Contracts package provides functions and messages to interact with Signum Smart Contracts, i.e. generate method calls and inspect contract data